Sleeeeeeeeeep. We've been doing a lot of it (some of us more, and some of us less :P) our whole lives, but we still don't get bored of it. I know I'd get bored if I tried playing 7-8 hours of StarCraft 2 a day for all my life for a year a couple of months just a single day, so obviously sleep must be super good right. I think. Whatever.
With too much stuff to do that tends to give me late nights, this sem has been a killer for my sleep life. For now I'm healthy as ever, but I know for sure I shouldn't keep this up for too long. Thank goodness short semesters end at Week 7, and now that there's no classes for some time I can stabilize my sleep.. I think.
Sleep early, wake up early, run!
Funny you should put a picture of a giraffe on a post about sleep...Giraffes sleep only 30 minutes per day and it's done in short spurts throughout the whole day because they're extremely paranoid...XD